
Photograph by Andrew Esiebo

International Child Protection and Family Law

O Momoh, ‘Why Nigeria should welcome the value and feasibility of acceding to the Hague Conference Children’s Conventions” (2020) Africa Portal, expert analysis hub

E Etomi and E Asia, Family Law in Nigeria: Overview, Practical Law, Thomson Reuters (October 2020)

O Momoh, ‘The recognition at common law of Nigerian adoption orders in the UK and the role of the 1993 Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption in Nigeria: learning from Re V (A Child) (Recognition of Foreign Adoption)[2017] EWHC 1733 (Fam)’ (2020) 28, Journal of Law, Policy and Globalisation, 129-134

Conference paper – 23rd Annual Family Law Conference MdT/UWC, Cape Town, South Africa, March 2020, Speaker (Child Abduction: The “POAM Project”, EU funded research). International Grant Award, Bar Council and FLBA

Reunite International, A Guide to International Parental Child Abduction to Nigeria, (2020)

A Yekini, Proof of Nigerian Marriages in Foreign Courts: Any lessons from Kareem v Secretary of State for Home Department? F.A Adeleke (Ed), Reflections on the Dynamics of the Law: Essays in Honour of Professor Olanrewaju Fagbogun, SAN, (2019) pp 460-47

OS Adelakan, ‘The concept of surrogacy in Nigeria: Issues, prospects and challenges’ (2018) 18 African Human Rights Law Journal 605-624

OS Adelakan, ‘Application of the subsidiarity principle in intercountry adoption in Nigeria : lessons from South Africa’ (2018) Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, 5(2)

To follow

How they did it: Ghana’s Central Adoption Authority and the implementation of the 1993 Hague Inter-country Adoption Convention – 2021

Nigerian Conflicts of Law

A Yekini, The Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model law (1st edition, Hart, Oxford 2021)

C.S.A. Okoli and R.F. Oppong, Private International Law in Nigeria (1st edition, Hart, Oxford, 2020)

A Yekinin(2020) Nigeria and AfCFTA: What Role has Private International Law to Play?, Conflicts of Laws

C.S.A. Okoli, Place of PerformanceA Comparative Analysis (1st edition, Hart, Oxford, 2020)

Okoli PN (2020) The fragmentation of (mutual) trust in Commonwealth Africa – a foreign judgments perspective. Journal of Private International Law, 16 (3), pp. 519-548

Okoli P (2021) From Brussels to Addis Ababa: A Contextual and Comparative Analysis of Access to Justice Under Private International Law in Africa. In: Ndulo M & Emeziem C (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of African Law: A Historical, Political, Social and Economic Context of Law in Africa. London: Routledge

Okoli P (2019) Promoting Foreign Judgments: Lessons in Legal Convergence from South Africa and Nigeria. Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International

C.S.A. Okoli, “Sowing the seeds of a future African Union Private International Law: A review of Private International Law in Commonwealth Africa” (2014) 10 Journal of Private International Law, 517-533

Okoli P The HCCH’s Development In Africa. In: The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Edward Elgar, pp. 51-59.

Wingate EO & Okoli PN (2021) Judicial Intervention in Arbitration: Unresolved Jurisdictional Issues Concerning Arbitrator Appointments in Nigeria. Journal of African Law.


C Ojiegbe, International Commercial Arbitration in the European Union: Brussels I, Brexit and Beyond (1st edition, Edward Elgar, 2020)